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When developing forms with many placeholder tags, it can be difficult to remember them.  There are two ways that you can generate a list of the placeholder tag names used.


From the Print Program Source

Using this technique, you will grep for lines that contain the substring 'bpi.set.tagval2('


bash-4.2$ cat bpi_simple_test_program | grep 'bpi.set.tagval2('
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%totExtPrice%\, OCONV(totExtPrice, \MR2,$\), \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@PGM%\, pgmId, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@WHO%\, @WHO, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@LOGNAME%\, @LOGNAME, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@USERNO%\, @USERNO, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%port%\, FIELD(OCONV(\\,\U50BB\), SPACE(1), 1), \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%TIME%\, OCONV(TIME(),\MTH\):SPACE(1):OCONV(DATE(),\D2/\), \\, vector, verbose); *|||BPI FORM|||
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%timeDate%\, TIMEDATE(), \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%dayOfWeek%\, OCONV(DATE(), 'DWAMADYL'), \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%powered_by%\, \Powered by BluePrairie Forms (tm)\, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%reprint%\, \\, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.lineNo%\, detail<d.lineNo>, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.qty%\, detail<d.qty>, \\,vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.partNo%\, detail<d.partNo>, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.extPrice%\, detail<d.extPrice>, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.listPrice%\, detail<d.listPrice>, \\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \foot\, \%f.footnotes%\, footnotes,\\, vector, verbose)
   CALL bpi.set.tagval2( blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%diag%\, diag, \\, vector, verbose)

Using %diag% tags

Diag tags are a simple way to output all available tags right on your document.   Simply insert the special %diag% placeholder tag into your template document and it will insert a list of all available tags and their values into the document.  This list will include repeating tags for this document.   You must call the BP Forms API subroutine bpi.makediag() to generate the diag tag within your print program.  The example program bpi_simple_test_program contains a call to bpi.makediag() and also shows how to assign its content to the '%diag%' tag.   We recommend generating diag tags in each of your print programs.  You may choose to comment out the generation of the diag tag once your form is up and working although most developers simply leave it in place as a convenience since generating it within the server program impacts document size only if the %diag% placeholder tag is present in the template.