This section describes a simple test program that is provided with Blue Prairie Forms. This program can be used to test and prove that the MulitValue Server BASIC API programs are installed and functioning properly. This program produces a document called Q0___bpi_simple_test_program.odt. This document will, by default, be dropped into the .../queue/bpiform1 directory. If the phantom is configured and running, it will attempt to deliver the document to a CUPS printer called Q0 on the Open Office Print Server.
A Sample Program
Blue Prairie Forms in installed with a sample test program that:
- Uses a standard template provided with Blue Prairie Forms
- Requires no external data source
- Produces a finished odt document
- Is a good example that can be used as a starting point for your own integrations
This example program will be installed and tested to verify the stability of the Blue Prairie Forms by your installation technician. It should be left unaltered as it may be used in the future as a diagnostic test to validate the stability of the installation. You may make copies of the program for your own experimentation.
* bpi_simple_test_program
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Blue Prairie, Inc.
* Example program to test a simple form with common form elements
* 1/28/2016 by Bruce Decker
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Requires that the form template be placed in the directory indicated
* below. This does not actually print the form, it just produces (drops)
* a finished form into a specified location
* This example program will:
* 1) Set some non-repeating tags and values (see subroutine InitformVars)
* 2) Set some repeating tags and values using multiValued arrays
* 3) Call the templating system (see subroutine MakeAndPrint)
* 4) Write a finished document based on the named template
* Note: This example does not actually print. It just creates a document
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
pgmId = \bpi_simple_test_program\
tag = \\; val = \\
* Equate some vectors for our associated multiValue arrays
EQU d.lineNo TO 1
EQU d.qty TO 2
EQU d.partNo TO 3
EQU d.listPrice TO 4
EQU d.extPrice TO 5
GOSUB ParseSentence; *171212
GOSUB InitFormVars
* load the detail array with a simple loop
totExtPrice = 0
FOR lineNo = 1 TO 20
detail< d.lineNo, lineNo> = lineNo
detail< d.qty, lineNo> = lineNo
detail< d.partNo, lineNo> = \Part_\:lineNo
detail< d.listPrice, lineNo> = OCONV(lineNo, \MR2,$\)
detail< d.extPrice, lineNo> = OCONV(lineNo * lineNo, \MR2,$\)
totExtPrice = totExtPrice + ( lineNo * lineNo)
NEXT lineNo
* load footnotes array with static assignment
footnotes<1,-1> = \This is line 1 of the footnotes array\
footnotes<1,-1> = \This is line 2 of the footnotes array\
* Now make the document
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%totExtPrice%\, OCONV(totExtPrice, \MR2,$\), \\, vector, verbose)
GOSUB MakeAndPrint
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* B L U E P R A I R I E F O R M S S U B R O U T I N E S
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
verbose = 5
blocks = \\; tags = \\; vals = \\; pos = 0;
* note that the 4th param is the 'block' specifier. Since blank these tags are not repeating
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@PGM%\, pgmId, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@WHO%\, @WHO, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@LOGNAME%\, @LOGNAME, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%@USERNO%\, @USERNO, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%port%\, FIELD(OCONV(\\,\U50BB\), SPACE(1), 1), \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%TIME%\, OCONV(TIME(),\MTH\):SPACE(1):OCONV(DATE(),\D2/\), \\, vector, verbose); *|||BPI FORM|||
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%timeDate%\, TIMEDATE(), \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%dayOfWeek%\, OCONV(DATE(), 'DWAMADYL'), \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%powered_by%\, \Powered by Blue Prairie Forms (tm)\, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%reprint%\, \\, \\, vector, verbose)
detail = \\
footnotes = \\
* reserved for future use
* now add the detail lines to the blocks/tags/vals arrays with a block name of 'det'. The template should feed
* these tags to a one-row table in openOffice. The first column in the table should be made to contain the plug-in
* directive "{repeat=tr;block=det} This will cause the table row to be repeated for the number of multivalues
* found in these tags. So, if you have 10 lines represented by 10 multivalues for each of the tags, then the
* table should be expanded automatically from 1 row as defined in the template to 10 rows (one for each multivalue)
* because each line in the detail array is represented (properly) as a multivalue.
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.lineNo%\, detail<d.lineNo>, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.qty%\, detail<d.qty>, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.partNo%\, detail<d.partNo>, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.extPrice%\, detail<d.extPrice>, \\, vector, verbose)
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \det\, \%d.listPrice%\, detail<d.listPrice>, \\, vector, verbose)
* load footnotes array to tag
CALL bpi.set.tagval2(blocks, tags, vals, \foot\, \%f.footnotes%\, footnotes, \\, vector, verbose)
doc.format = \odt\
pathToBpiForms = "/dbms/BPIFORMS/bpi_forms"; * <--- change to suit your install
verbose = 5
GOSUB MoveDetailToArrays
CALL bpi.xmlencode( tags, tags, \all\, error)
CALL bpi.xmlencode( vals, vals, \all\, error)
*make a diag table from tags and vals
CALL bpi.makediag( blocks, tags, vals, \odt\, diag, status)
*add the diag table to the tags and vals array
CALL bpi.set.tagval2( blocks, tags, vals, \\, \%diag%\, diag, \\, vector, verbose)
GOSUB GetQueue
*construct the filename of the document
document_name_make = "%queueName%___bpi_simple_test_program%copy%.odt"
tag<2> = \%queueName%\; val<2> = bpiQueueName
* set variables for the form maker
params = \odt\
templatePath = "%pathToBpiForms%/templates/bpi_simple_test_program_tpl.odt"
templatePath = CHANGE( templatePath, \%pathToBpiForms%\, pathToBpiForms)
tempPath = "%pathToBpiForms%/working"
tempPath = CHANGE( tempPath, \%pathToBpiForms%\, pathToBpiForms)
* call the form maker
verbose = 5
FOR i = 1 TO copies
IF copies EQ 1 THEN
copyName = \\
copyName = \_\:i
output_docname = document_name_make
CALL bpi.tagval( tag, val, output_docname )
output_docname = CHANGE( output_docname, \%copy%\, copyName)
outputPath = "%pathToBpiForms%/queue/bpiform1/":output_docname
outputPath = CHANGE( outputPath, \%pathToBpiForms%\, pathToBpiForms)
outputPath = CHANGE( outputPath, \%queueName%\, bpiQueueName)
CRT \Making-> \:outputPath
CALL bpi.form.make2( templatePath, outputPath, tempPath, params, blocks, tags, vals, verbose, status, message)
*should now have a completed form at output.path
* We would normally grab the current assigned queue from a SP-ASSIGN or SETPTR command
* but for this test, we'll just use the queue Q0
bpiQueueName = \Q0\
pgm = \bpi_simple_test_program\
sentence = CHANGE( @SENTENCE, SPACE(1), @AM)
maxSentence = DCOUNT(sentence, @AM)
start = @FALSE
copies = 1
FOR i = 1 TO maxSentence
word = sentence<i>
uc.word = OCONV( word, \MCU\)
CASE start
CASE uc.word[1,2] = \-C\
copies = OCONV( word, \MCN\)
IF NOT( copies ) THEN copies = 1
CASE word EQ pgm
start = @TRUE
Running the example program
To run the sample, program, simply type bpi_simple_test_program. Diagnostic messages will be displayed to the screen and a document will be written to the queue directory declared in the program. Depending on the specific location of directories in your Blue Prairie Forms installation, you may need to modify certain parts of the test program. Specifically, the variable pathToBpiForms should be adjusted to fit your installation.
If you wish to run a number of copies of a document to the queue directory, you may add the -c switch followed by the number of copies you wish to create. For example:
bpi_simple_test_program -c5
Will generate 5 documents:
Modifying the Example Template
A detailed explanation of the template process is provided in the User Manual. You can modify the example template but please make a backup of the original template (unchanged) before making modifications