This help section will give you a better understanding of how to search, filter, and/or sort through site-wide documents.
Search and filtering tool
You can search for specific business documents using either the search and filtering tool or the Advanced Search capabilities. The search and filtering tool may be used to locate a specific document or to list a subset of documents that fit specific search criteria.
The search and filtering tool may be accessed by clicking on the button.
Users may search or filter documents by document reference, document type (e.g., statements or invoices), customer ID number, document status, transaction date, representative reference (e.g., assigned salesperson), other reference, customer reference (e.g., PO number), and/or total value. When you enter criteria into one or more of the fields in the search and filter tool, the table listing your documents will be refreshed to reflect your selection criteria.
When using the All row in the search box, you may filter your search results by All of these terms, Any of these terms, Exact Phrases, or None of these terms.
The All of these terms option will only produce search results that include every phrase that you specify, exactly as typed. For example, if you search for "1044" using the All of these terms option, only results that include the number "1044" will be listed. In the following example, searching for the string "1044" results in a list that includes a statement for customer ID# 1044.
Users may search or filter documents by document reference, document type (e.g., statements or invoices), customer ID number, document status, transaction date, representative reference (e.g., assigned salesperson), other reference, customer reference (e.g., PO number), and/or total value. When you enter criteria into one or more of the fields in the search and filter tool, the table listing your documents will be refreshed to reflect your selection criteria.
When using the All row in the search box, you may filter your search results by All of these terms, Any of these terms, Exact Phrases, or None of these terms.
The All of these terms option will only produce search results that include every phrase that you specify, exactly as typed. For example, if you search for "1044" using the All of these terms option, only results that include the number "1044" will be listed. In the following example, searching for the string "1044" results in a list that includes a statement for customer ID# 1044.
To regenerate a complete list of your business documents
With the pop-up panel visible, click on the
Grouping or Sorting Subscriptions
You can group documents by any eligible field by selecting the tool from the toolbar.
You can sort the documents by clicking on the column headers. An arrow next to the column name will indicate whether that field has been sorted ascending, descending or not at all.
Advanced Search Tool
For more complex searches, we provide a query builder. To access it, choose the Advance Search tool from the toolbar
In the Advanced Search tool, you may select elements (fields), conditions and values to define the criteria for document selection. You may add conditions by pressing the (+) Add tool then press "Apply" to filter based on the criteria you have defined. To clear the filters, you may either open the Advanced search tool again and press "Clear filters" or you may open the Filter tool and press "Clear filters" from that tool.